To say that Ta-Nehisi Coates’ most recent book, The Message, has been “controversial” is, well, “banal”, although the uproar has most unfortunately been upstaged by the re-election of Donald Trump. It’s more than a bit silly to be lecturing poor Mr. Coates on his sins—though they are, I’m afraid, substantial in their own right—when the…
Tag: Race
Who’s stoopider, Noah Rothman, the New York Times, or the U.S. Treasury? Tough call!
Damn right it is. Over at the National Review, hot shot author Noah Rothman, whose best-selling book, The Rise of the New Puritans, trashing those damn West Coast hippies grown old and rich and censorious, which, if I read it, I’d probably agree with more often than not, is on a tear, tearing into those…
CRT v. Anti-CRT: Wait, Wait! You’re BOTH Right! Occasionally.
OCTOBER 6, 2022 UPDATE: In the course of this report—somewhere in the middle—I discuss crime data from the FBI. I should have pointed out that these data are estimates rather than complete tallies. We don’t know, for example, that there were 10,440 homicides in the U.S. in 2020, although the FBI says we do. I…
Will “Race” Sink the Democrats?
Well, I hope not. But one has to worry. Images of New York, Portland, Minneapolis, and Kenosha burning can have a strong impact on the “I’m no racist, but” crowd, who are not charmed by Trump’s general boorishness but don’t like riots. Smart phones are bringing home the ubiquity of racism in police departments across…